Developing High Performance
Ric Jorge
Developing High Performance (DHP) is a class designed to focus on thought processing, reaction, retention, and arousal control. Utilizing techniques developed by the sporting industry, adapted to the military and law enforcement agencies these techniques have been adapted specifically for the fire service in Developing High Performance (DHP). The class is run 24 hrs consecutively (yes, nonstop). Students should come PREPARED as if they are going on shift (pack as if you are going to a new station for a 24 hr shift). Bring FULL PPE, your bedding (don't bother with bedding you won't be sleeping, so leave your "wubby" at home), change of cloths, plenty of socks and undergarments, medications, bandaids/mole skin, and any special needs that you may have. The effects of the class will be felt into the next day. Do not make plans for 48 hours after the start of this class. It is recommended to pre-hydrate and get plenty of rest the day before class. Be prepared to go through technological withdrawal, the use of phones/computers/Inspector Gadget watches and the like is strongly regulated (pronounced: eliminated). In case of emergency a central contact number will be provided by the facility hosting the class and passed along to the students as they sign up for the class. The student should then pass it along to their significant others (family/wife/kids/etc). This will be the only way to reach the student in case of emergency or urgency. The student/instructor ratio max is 3:1 in group exercises, and it is 1:1 ratio on individual endeavors.
Get Trucked Up *LIVE FIRE*
Daniel Nelms
Truck companies are tasked with a wide variety of jobs at a fire. All of which are essential to a successful outcome on the fireground. Yet many fire departments work with a limited number of truck companies on these incidents, or none at all. Truck work is about the skills, not the vehicle. Whether you operate with or without a Ladder Truck, truck work must be performed. In this course, we will approach Truck work AGGRESSIVLEY. Our focus is VES! I know, I know! We were all taught truck company functions breakdown into L.O.V.E.R.S.U. Come see what it’s really all about. This class will cover riding and tool assignments, the inside and outside team concepts, and essentials of truck work. Our instructors will bring you their “down and dirty” skills, which have been used over and over again in the real world. By the end of the day, students will force doors, perform searches, remove victims, and control fire using a water can, all which are truck company essentials. Everyone wants to talk about THEM first. The responsibility belongs to all of us. SO DON’T SCREW IT UP!
Man vs. Machine
Mark Gregory
Students are instructed on methods they can use to disentangle victims from various forms of machinery. Basic techniques for removing rings are addressed. Evolutions progress in complexity as operations come to involve auger entrapments, impalements on fencing, persons trapped under a vehicle, and hands stuck in machinery (meat grinders). The focus is on finding the least complicated method of performing such rescues instead of "overthinking" the situation. For ALL Levels.
Mastering the Mayday (4-hour)
Billy Brideson
Mastering the Mayday 4 hour class will help individuals and crews build their RIT and personal mayday arsenal and put skills to the test in multiple LODD based scenarios. By perfecting the basics and learning new techniques and equipment the cadre of 3rd Alarm PST will help prepare firefighters of all staffing levels for the best outcome to the worst scenarios. This courses pushes the limit of all participants critical decision making and physical abilities to save their own.
Nozzle Forward
Aaron Fields
This is a systematic, technique-driven methodology designed to increase engine operations. The class will include handline stretching and hosebed configuration options, hose handling and fire attack theory, hoseline management and advancement techniques, and an examination of keystone angle configurations.
Tactical Thermal Imaging *LIVE FIRE*
Andy Starnes
Today’s modern fire ground places stringent demands on our firefighters. We are required to formulate our strategies and tactics at 15-20 times the speed as we did in the past due to the high heat release rate fuels in structure fires. These fires develop faster and are predominantly ventilation limited fires with heavy, turbulent, black smoke that reduces our visibility. Tactical Thermal Imaging enhances a firefighter’s decision-making skill set by providing thermal data. Course Details-This data allows firefighters to:
• Quickly locate the location & severity of the fire
• Locate tough hidden fires via thermal cues & clues
• Identify the flow path and the fires direction of travel
• Determine the most efficient access path & prevent rapid fire development
• Enhances stream placement by placing our streams where they are needed most.
• Enhances search efforts and rapid intervention efforts.
This program will be delivered in a classroom and live fire format over an 8-hour duration.
The Grab Factory
Tyler Whitfield
“The Grab Factory” is a primary search driven class that will encompass all facets of truck work prior to and after making a search/grab. While primary search can produce many victims on a single search, having sharp and sound technique is a must! From pulling on scene, sizing up your building, finding or creating the best access, performing the search, then victim removal, just to name a few. This class will be a fast paced, skills worked into scenarios-type format. We believe in a need to be the best because at the end of the day no one else is coming, it’s up to us!
The Professional Load (4-hour)
Zach Bruhn
This 4-hour hands on class instructs students on the deployment, stretching and loading of one of the most modernized pre-connect hose loads available. The Professional Load (Pro load) or Metro Load as it is also known, can be utilized for rapid deployment of 1 ¾” and 2 ½” attack lines in both cross and rear hose lay positions. The Professional Load can be modified for 2 ½” and 3” supply or trunk line hose lays, which simplifies deployment of both non-plumbed and pre-plumbed hose bed lays. The class will demonstrate the Pro loads capability to rapidly deploy long attack line lays around obstacles, over obstacles, up stairwells and up ground ladders. Instruction also demonstrates the Pro Load’s ability to do so without the need for stopping to pull or lay addition flakes or sections of hose around said obstacles. In addition, the class will also demonstrate the Pro Load’s aptitude to eliminate the need for estimating the stretch and for creation of interior advancement bends or flakes in attack lines prior to commencing interior operations. The objective is for students to gain the importance of setting up your engine’s attack lines with this progressive hose load which can help crews to eliminate the need for estimating stretches and simplifying hose lays in a multitude of environments. The Pro Load is designed to maximize efficiency and remove wasted movements, such as those created by deployment of triple-lay, flat stack and minuteman loads. The Professional Load has proven to streamline an engine’s ability to get water to the fire as fast as possible. This class will give the student side by side demonstration and hands on skills practice of the Professional Load, giving the student another weapon to utilize for fire ground success.